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Republicans, Gun Owners Caucus push back on gun bills expected to hit House floor on Monday [Video]

State Government News

Republicans, Gun Owners Caucus push back on gun bills expected to hit House floor on Monday

The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus on Saturday, joined by a few Republican state lawmakers, pushed back on gun-related legislation expected to hit the Minnesota House floor on Monday.

The caucus’ annual second amendment rally brought a few dozen Minnesotans to the Capitol rotunda, signaling a continued deep partisan divide on the issue.

“It is about our inalienable right to self-defense, our right to defend ourselves, our loved ones and our families against criminals and a tyrannical government,” Caucus Chairman Bryan Strawser began.

Speakers, including House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth, focused their opposition on three bills that DFL state lawmakers are expected to publicly support during a press conference on Monday.

“Please keep rallying. Don’t give up on this,” Demuth encouraged. “As you know, they are on a full mission to push the gun control …

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