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Salvation Army helps fill Weaverville food bank | News [Video]

USA Military News

Salvation Army helps Weaverville food bank

Weaverville, Calif. – The Weaverville Community Food Cupboard has been helping serve the food insecure population of Trinity county for the last 41 years. Recently the charity has had difficulty keeping the shelves full. The Salvation Army stepped in with a grant and filled the cupboard on Friday.

Ranee Kletchka, team leader for the food cupboard, tells Action News Now that the financial resources needed to keep the charity running have been dwindling over the years. “People are strapped everywhere and donations have dropped.” she says, “local churches used to give us money every month, but they’re strapped as well.”

The Salvation Army has stepped in to help fill the gap. With a grant of about $2,500 in food. They loaded up a van at their Santa Rosa facility with food and delivered it to Weaverville on Friday. Kletchka says she thinks they went above and beyond and is grateful for the …

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