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San Diego Police dog ‘Sir’ killed in line of duty will be honored at national memorial service [Video]

National Crime News

Sir is one of 26 other dogs killed in the line of duty, across the country, in the last year.

WASHINGTON D.C., DC — Police canine units are vital to the force but just like their handlers, they don’t always make it safely home.

Sir, a police dog with the San Diego Police Department, was killed in August 2023 and will now be part of the National Police K-9 Memorial Service happening this weekend in Washington DC.

Sir is one of 26 other dogs killed in the line of duty across the United States in 2023. These K-9s will be given a send-off fit for their contribution to the force.

“They’re not just an animal, it’s this officer’s partner. These dogs are a wonder, these dogs are amazing. I can’t bare to think where we would be without them,” said Judi Reilly, President of the National Police Dog Foundation.

Reilly said police departments across the U.S. look …

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