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Trump Fan Tells Donie O’Sullivan ‘READ The Constitution!’ [Video]

USA Politics and Government

A Trump fan told CNN correspondent Donie O’Sullivan to “R-E-A-D the Constitution” when he told her God isn’t mentioned in the Constitution” — which it is not.

O’Sullivan specializes in reporting on the fringes of the conservative and pro-Trump movement, and frequently finds himself on the receiving end of some stunning quotes. On Sunday’s The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper, Donie drops a new collection in an episode entitled “MisinfoNation: The Trump Faithful.”

On Friday’s edition of CNN News Central, anchor Kate Bolduan previewed the show with a clip in which O’Sullivan argues with a woman about Trump’s election lies and God and the U.S. Constitution:

KATE BOLDUAN: This week’s all new episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper. CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan looks at how conspiracy theories and online misinformation are already impacting this year’s presidential campaign. It all airs Sunday at 8 p.m. Eastern and Pacific on CNN. Of course. Here’s a preview.


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