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Twin Falls Bruins Quiz Bowl team heads to Washington, D.C. for National Science Bowl [Video]

On Thursday, the Bruins Quiz Bowl team at Twin Falls High School will head to Washington, D.C., to compete in the National Science Bowl hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy.

The competition runs from Thursday to Sunday. Sixty-five teams throughout the nation will compete for the grand prize.

On Thursday, the Bruins Quiz Bowl team at Twin Falls High School will set foot in Washington, D.C., to compete in the National Science Bowl hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy. From left to right, Logan Darrow, Will Hawkins, Preston Dopp, Darren Su and Adam Wright.


Because most of the Bruins Quiz Bowl team members got their start in middle school, they brought some experience with them as they transitioned onto the high school team. Science teacher JoMarie Connor coaches the team, and has done so for 34 years, dating back to when the National Science Bowl began.

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