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UVA Center for Politics hosts Virginia Attorney General Miyares – [Video]

State Politics News

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) — The UVA Center for Politics hosted Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares to have a discussion.

The UVA Center for Politics says they find it important for students to be able to hear from those who are currently in roles the students hope to pursue one day. During the discussion, Miyares asked how many students there hoped to work for the government and a majority raised their hands.

“When students are able to see that kind of behavior and talk about it with people who have experienced it directly. How do I get there? There’s no one better than an actual practitioner to answer that question,” said Ken Stroupe, chief of staff at the UVA Center for Politics. 

Miyares shared his experience of working with people who he hasn’t always seen eye to eye with. He shares his bipartisan initiative, Returning Citizens Job Fair, where people …

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