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Video shows Mesa police officer tackling student at school [Video]

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The student’s family said she reported being bullied and nothing was done about it, which led to an altercation that was caught on video.

MESA, Ariz. — For nearly a week, a Mesa family has questioned how their daughter and sister turned from a victim to a suspect. 

“I have not heard or spoken to by daughter since she’s been locked up,” said Tara Adams.

Since Friday, her 17-year-old daughter Tyra has been in custody at the Maricopa County Juvenile Detention Center.

Adams said the last time she saw Tyra, she was handcuffed to a hospital bed at Banner University Medical Center after suffering head injuries, cuts and bruises after being tackled by a Mesa police officer Friday afternoon at Westwood High School.

“I can’t believe this has happened,” says Adams.

Friday afternoon, Adams says Tyra was arrested after an incident at school.

She says Tyra said she was being harassed, threatened, and bullied at school by a …

The harms of Covid policy: Aaron Wudrick and Kevin Bardosh
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