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Watch: Jeremy Hunt promises tax cuts if Tories win general election [Video]

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Watch as Jeremy Hunt delivered a speech on Friday, 17 May, promising further tax cuts if the Conservatives win the general election.

The chancellor accused Labour of “playground politics” over attacks on the historically-high burden being borne by households and businesses following Sir Keir Starmer’s speech on Thursday.

Speaking from London, Mr Hunt to vowed that “taxes will go down under a Conservative government” and has accused his shadow, Labour’s Rachel Reeves, of plotting hikes to fund the opposition party’s spending pledges.

Mr Hunt claims Labour’s electoral pledges would cost tax payers £59bn over the next four years and accused the party of “lying” and labelled “fake news” their economic plans.

It comes as Rishi Sunak’s attempts to kickstart the general election campaign have failed to move voters, a new poll has revealed.

The prime minister …

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