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What do different color flags mean at the beach [Video]

State Government News State Politics News

ATLANTA — Beach season is here. But before you jump right in the water — make sure to find the beach flag! Many dangers can lurk in ocean waters, including rough surf, rip currents, and marine life. 

Local jurisdictions and governments install beach safety flags to help people be aware of water conditions and other hazards. Each color represents a different threat level or type. The U.S. Lifesaving Association has one of the most descriptive definitions of each flag. 

Especially if you have children or are not a strong swimmer, going to a beach with a lifeguard present means an extra pair of eyes will add another layer of protection. And find the beach flag before getting in the water!

What do different color flags mean at the beach?

Single red flag 

USLA Definition: “High hazard. Rough conditions, such as strong surf and/or currents, are present. All swimmers are discouraged from entering the water. Those entering the water should take great care.”

Double red …

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