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With Burning Man Starting Today, Burners Talk About How They’re Getting There | News [Video]

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Gates to the Black Rock Desert are opened as of early this morning and burners continue to pass through town, making their way to the playa.

Longtime burners have tips for first timers traveling to the desert.

“Definitely strap everything down because people will put things on, and they fly off and they lose them all over the highway and we don’t want to create that mess,” said Lena Gomes, burner for 8 years. “We want to preserve our environment.”

Prior to traveling to Burning Man, burners fill up vans, trailers, and trucks with anything they need to live out on the playa for a week.

Most burners that we spoke with didn’t mind the travel and said they hadn’t experienced many issues with traffic yet.

Some said they bring along a radio that updates them with wait times so they know when the best time to head out is.

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