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Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
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Florida manatees adapted to warm water via artificial plant at risk [Video]

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The consequences of human-induced pollution are forcing manatees, an aquatic mammal with rounded tail flippers to seek refuge in alternative warm waters nourished by power plants in Florida.

Unfortunately, with the transition to renewable energy sources, the artificial warm water habitat provided by the power plants is disappearing. This is possibly threatening the survival of the mammals during colder months. 

A statement by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stated that those power plants identified as providing critical manatee habitat are required to create and implement an approved manatee protection plan (not to be confused with county-based manatee protection plans). 

Assessing the impact of the discharge

“These plans will address issues such as consistency of warm water discharges, disruptions to warm water …

The harms of Covid policy: Aaron Wudrick and Kevin Bardosh
The harms of Covid policy: Aaron Wudrick and Kevin Bardosh
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct: Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller for Inside Policy Talks