USA Economy and Markets

Americans under 30 reported to be the saddest [Video]

BAKERSFIELD, Calif., (KGET) President of NAMI, Sharon Woolfolk, and NAMI medical advisor, Dr. Ravi Goklaney, joined 17 News at Sunrise for a segment to discuss the concerning drop in the well-being of young Americans in regard to Mental Health Awareness Month. For the first time the U.S. drops from the happiest 20 countries in the []

USA Economy and Markets

Open surrender to Putin is not going to make America great again [Video]

The slogan Make America Great Again presumes that our nation was once greater than it is presently. Maybe it was in World War II, allying against the tyrannical likes of Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito. Today, there are Americans openly surrendering to Vladimir Putin. Maybe it was when one of our political parties still called itself the party of Lincoln.” MAGA? Really? writes Philip A. Gardner of Sandusky in a letter to the editor.